Great Utah, real estate photos, are essential to selling your home for top dollar. Here are my tips for making sure your home is photo ready.

Utah Real Estate Photography

If you're selling your house, you should schedule plenty of time to prepare your home for the real estate photographer.

As a homeowner and full-time discount real estate broker,  I know how crucial amazing property photos are to sell your house fast. 

You will learn where to invest your time preparing your home for photos, how much real estate photos cost, who pays for the photographer, and if aerial photos are necessary.

Interior Real Estate Photography


Clear the kitchen countertops to emphasize how much counter space the kitchen…

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"Sell my house fast, Utah" isn't grammatically correct, but it is a popular Google search. Therefore, I've decided it is worth my time to outline how to sell your Utah house fast.

Selling A House Fast In Utah

Fully grasping the ins and outs of real estate is a full-time job. Who has the time to spend researching the real estate process when all you want to know is how to sell your house fast for the most money?

As a homeowner and full-time discount realtor, I'm providing a guide to sell your house in the least amount of time. I'll even show you how to eliminate paying real estate brokerage commissions.

You will learn what it takes to sell your house fast with a Realtor on the MLS, if a fair all-cash offer is the right option for you, why seller financing is a great…

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Discount Broker Listing Commissions

The sellers made the smart choice and hired a full-service discount real estate listing agent to sell their house in the Steeplechase HOA community in Draper. Our *half-price (1.5%)  listing services allow home sellers to work with one of Utah's best real estate brokers while saving money.  

The seller saved $11,400 in listing agent commissions.

13224 S Laurel Park, Draper, UT Discount Listing Agent

13224 S Laurel Park, Draper, Utah 84020

List Date: 04/02/2015
Sold Date: 05/27/2015
List Price: $779,000
Utah is a non-disclosure state, which means listing brokers are not allowed to disclose the final sale price.
$ SQFT: $135
SQFT: 5515
Bedrooms: Five (5)
Bathrooms: Four full baths and two half-baths (5)
Garage: Four-car (4)
Acres: .26
Year Built: 2004
HOA: Steeplechase

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Mold testing is one of the least common inspection tests I see as a Utah Realtor.  Here are the answers to the most common questions I hear about mold from home buyers and sellers.

Mold Testing Utah

Fully understanding the mold testing and remediation process can be intimidating. But, if you're anything like me, you are doing plenty of research before deciding if a home with mold growth is safe to occupy.

As a homeowner and full-time discount real estate agent, I'm answering the most common mold questions I hear.

You will learn what levels of mold are considered safe, how much a mold inspection costs, and the health effects of living in a Utah home with unsafe mold levels.

After reading this article, you will be prepared to make informed decisions about…

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